Books and Bridges

The weekend of October 2-3, I will be a vendor to kick off Walktober at Walkway Over the Hudson in Poughkeepsie. This landmark joins Highland and the city of Poughkeepsie and is as cool a place as any to get some walking or bike-riding in while taking in Amazin’ autumnal views. I will be offering selected copies of my baseball books (selected means copies I have at hand). I will also be selling and signing copies of my new novel under my new pseudonym, McNally Berry. The book is Out of a Dog’s Mouth. Dogwalkers are very much welcome. So join me. I’ll be there both afternoons with free bookmarks, pens, and dog treats!

Listen and Learn

Thanks, as always, to WKNY Kingston Radio’s Dan Reinhard, who had me on a recent show. We talked the Mets as well as baseball in general and my recent Midwestern/Southern journey to ballparks and places of historical significance.