Dear Carlos Beltran,

I want to thank you for stepping down as Mets manager without ever managing a game. I know it had to be hard to do, but it was for the good of the team. It’s what leaders do, even if it is falling on your sword.

All spring training it would have come up. All six preseason games with the Astros it would have come up. Every time the Mets lost during the season it would have come up. When the Mets played the Yankees it would have come up. When the Mets played the Astros—four frigging times during the regular season—it would have come up. When the Mets needed to win a big game it would have come up.

The Mets need to be about winning, not figuring out who was banging on a garbage can in the Astros clubhouse in 2017. If two World Series-winning managers implicated in this mess were pushed out, the call for the third man named in the commissioner’s report to lose/forfeit his position was not going away.

Thanks again, Carlos. And for being the most productive center fielder the Mets have ever had.
Now if we could get the ownership issue resolved this quickly…