Opening Day Eve Celebration of Shea in Kingston

Wednesday, March 27—Opening Day Eve—I’ll be holding a Shea Stadium Remembered signing at Rough Draft in Kingston. This awesome bookstore/bar at 82 John Street is at the intersection of four stone houses that were burned by the British during the Revolutionary War when Kingston was the state capitol. Good news! The four houses have been restored since then—most of them for 240 years or so. So in this historic site we open it up to Mets history about a grand old house that the British spared but the Wilpons took down. (Well, we we were in love—not at war—with the Brits and the Beatles in the 1960s and they helped make Shea, well, Shea. As for those kooky owners we’ve got today…)

OK, as you can tell I am in full rambling mode for the book event on Wednesday. We’ll talk about whatever you like. I’ll have free baseball cards and bookmarks, and if you buy two or more books, I’ll buy you a beer. (On special because my ad budget is closer to Shea beer prices than Citi beer prices.) If you’re in the neighborhood, Shea hello!